Women Who Code Mentorship 3.0 Experience — Week 3

S Harshita
3 min readFeb 21, 2021

It is the end of the 3rd week and we are almost halfway through the 5-week mentorship program. I’m all the more excited for the last 2 weeks because it has been enriching in all aspects, be it coding or self-development.

Week 3 was focused on scholarships. All the mentees were asked to look for ongoing and future scholarships. Here is a list of scholarships that I found:-

  1. Nutanix Heart Women in Technology Scholarship

Nutanix Heart Women in Technology Scholarship is a female-only scholarship that provides $2000 to Indian students who are pursuing a degree in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science or software engineering. This scholarship is currently ongoing and has a deadline of May 12, 2021.

2. Adobe India Women-in-Technology Scholarship

This scholarship covers the fund toward tuition fees for the remainder of the award recipient’s university education who are in their 2nd year. They also get the opportunity for a summer internship at Adobe India in their 3rd year. This scholarship is only for an Indian female student who is enrolled as a full-time student in a formal technology 4 year BE / B.Tech education program or an Integrated ME/MS/MTech program at an Indian University or Institute at the time of applying. The applications will open around August 2021 for the 2023 batch.

3. Google Women Techmakers Scholarship

Women Techmakers Scholarship program by Google aims to further Dr. Anita Borg’s vision of creating gender equality in the tech industry by encouraging women to excel as active participants and leaders in the field. This opportunity is only for 1st and 2nd-year students. The winners get a scholarship of Rs 2,00,000 and a visit to Google’s office.

Apart from talking about scholarships, we were also asked to practice DSA by giving contests on Leetcode. Our mentor prepared a set of 300–400 questions for us to practice that contained questions from different coding websites such as Leetcode, Codechef, GeeksForGeeks, Spoj, etc.

The whole week was full of practice and awareness. We often miss out on opportunities because of a lack of awareness about such programs. It was a great experience to list out all opportunities which will help us to be aware of opportunities that we would otherwise have missed. Looking forward to the concluding weeks of Women Who Code 3.0. 🤗

